BT21 Turntable Bluetooth Speaker

product number 1070
normal price $53.90
price $36.00
brand BT21
manufacturer KH VATEC
origin China OEM


This product contains lithium batteries and should be shipped by special delivery (Ems premium) or DHL

to countries where battery delivery is not possible.

If we need to proceed with the special delivery, we will inform you of an additional cost of about $20~30.


In the case of the United States, Singapore, and Japan,

it is possible to ship by Standard shipping. No additional shipping fee required!




アメリカ、シンガポール、日本では通常配送が可能です。 追加送料は要りません!







This product contains lithium batteries and should be shipped by special delivery (Ems premium) or DHL

to countries where battery delivery is not possible.

If we need to proceed with the special delivery, we will inform you of an additional cost of about $20~30.


In the case of the United States, Singapore, and Japan,

it is possible to ship by Standard shipping. No additional shipping fee required!




アメリカ、シンガポール、日本では通常配送が可能です。 追加送料は要りません!